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A Big Thank You From Nathaniel Chapman

Nathaniel Chapman

Oct 9, 2021

"Dear Sons and Daughters" available now!

There are so many I want to thank for their help in making this album come to fruition! This project was truly a labor of love from the start!

First off, all those who came forward and helped me fund the project.
Brandon Bennett
Dusty Marshall
Shane and Krista Will
Jenn Evora
Pastor Chris Manginelli
Hannah Stanifer
Grandma Kathy Pottruff
Kathy Batchelor
Ken Sabalza
Kathy Jo Kahn
Reuben Cummins
Jesse Trosvig
Katrina and Phil Caron
Mike Hobby
Angie West
Lynette Carson
Mary Knoch
George Moa
Dustin Rose
Renee Pietsch

Once we got started in the studio I was absolutely floored by the amazing talent and musicianship I was met with. The amazing collaboration that went into this project I feel can be heard with each and every song and the artistic direction we took each one in. As a songwriter who loves to put an emphasis on the words, it was important that the music side of each song help in conveying those words.

Dustin Rose - vocals and guitars
Krista Westfall on background vocal
Duane Wagner on keys
Jeff Harris on bass
Paul Harris on drums
Damien Blond on keys
Rachel Chapman on background vocals
for "In Your Brokenness"
Angie West on background vocals
for "In Your Brokenness"
Matt Sumner drums on "Ariseā€
Austin Kvalvik co-producer/engineer

Then there was the artwork side of things. Thank you to Lynette Carson for all her work on the album, t-shirts and disc artwork. It looks amazing!

I also want to say a big and hearty thank you to Dave Beatty at BentBeat Productions for bringing me into his fine studio, surrounding me with the amazing talent of artists, and bringing this album alive!
Last but not least, I huge shoutout to my wife Rachel, who has spent hours and hours creating an absolutely amazing looking website for me!

Folks, this album was made for the sole purpose of reminding the Church of who we are, and what we ought to be doing as the Church. It is meant to encourage, admonish and call us to arise and be a light in the darkness. Much of it can be summarized in the song Run Run Run, which is based off of Hebrews 12:1-2:

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;

It is because of this passage that we created a T-shirt for those who funded the album, as well as anyone else who would like one, that encourages us to run the race. We are called to run the race with patience, always looking to Christ.

I pray this album encourages, admonishes, and spurs us on to be the Church!

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